Av-Sartan 5/160mg

Barrett Hodgson Rs.403 4631
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AV Sartan 5/160mg Tablet is used for the treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure). AV Sartan is also used to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and kidney problems by lowering high blood pressure.

How effective is AV Sartan 5/160mg?

AV Sartan 5/160mg Tablet is composed of Amlodipine + Valsartan. Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker, which shows effectiveness by relaxing blood vessels and make blood flow easier. Valsartan is an angiotensin receptor blocker, which shows effectiveness by blocking the activity of substances that cause blood vessels to tighten.

Can I buy AV Sartan 5/160mg online in Pakistan?

Yes! You can buy AV Sartan 5/160mg Tablets online through our website or call us at 0311 113 6337.

What dose should I choose?

For adults (above 18), take 1 tablet of AV Sartan a day, or as prescribed by the doctor.

For children (below 17), AV Sartan 5/160mg Tablet is not recommended.

If you have any query about AV Sartan 5/160mg Tablet, please contact your doctor.

What are the side effects and other warnings when taking AV Sartan 5/160mg?

Some side-effects may be caused by AV Sartan 5/160mg Tablet, but they are extremely rare.

Side effects can include:

  • Tiredness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Dizziness
  • Dry pain
  • Stomach pain

Some serious allergic reactions may also occur;

  • Muscle weakness
  • Fainting
  • Signs of infections
  • A high blood potassium level
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Swelling of ankles or feet

Av Sartan’s warnings include;       

  • Share your medical history, especially of dehydration, aortic stenosis, and liver disease, with your doctor before using this drug.
  • Inform your doctor if you are allergic to the active ingredients of AV Sartan.
  • Consult your doctor before using AV Sartan 5/160mg if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.



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